The Future of Work: an annotated bibliography

Pavlofox (CC0), Pixabay
There is growing research and debate over how technology – particularly AI and automation – will result in changes to the world of work. LMIC (I think it stands for Labor Market Information Centre – but I couldn’t find anything about the name of their website) in Canada has a project to set up an ongoing annotated bibliography. And, although there is a focus on north American literature and reports, the site is useful for anyone interested in this topic.
“The future of work is a hot topic and the focus of many initiatives in recent years. Addressing gaps in labour market information (LMI) ensures that policy makers and stakeholders can help shape the future of work. For Canadians, information to help them adapt to this fourth industrial revolution is essential.
What the project is about
The Future of Work Annotated Bibliography features reports from a variety of sources, emphasizing Canadian information. These reports examine all aspects of the future of work. The complex interactions between megatrends, key gaps in LMI and forecasting tools are some of these topics