Finding out about trainers – your help needed
I woudl be very grateful for your help in filling in a survey (yes I know – another one :)) It will take about ten minutes and has been developed by the Network for Trainers in Europe in which Pontydysgu is a partner.
The Network of Trainers in Europe is a European Commission sponsored project aiming to:
- Provide an opportunity for exchanging experiences and knowledge though an easy to use web portal. Enable policy makers, managers and trainers to access ideas, materials and opportunities for professional development.
- Undertake a small-scale survey of the work of trainers and their professional support.
- Provide access to research and ideas through the organisation of workshops and on-line conferences.
- Enhance the quality of support for trainers by sharing effective practice.
- Stimulate new approaches to the training of trainers related to the concept of lifelong learning, knowledge sharing and peer learning.
- Encourage researchers and trainers to share information and materials based on practical experience.
- Bring together research and practice from different projects and initiatives throughout Europe.will implement a survey on the work, situation, qualification and status of VET trainers in the 32 European countries.
The survey is designed as a a tool to assess the situation of trainers and project future trends as well as recruitment and qualification needs.
It is available as an on-line version in English, French, German, Bulgarian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, Estonian, Finnish, Greek, Hungarian, Italian, Russian, Slovak, Slovenian, Spanish, Swedish and Turkish.
The English language version can be accessed here. For other versions please go to the survey page on the network web site.