Manchester PLE to be launched this week
For some time now I have been following the development of the Manchester Personal Learning Environment – now called the mPLE.
As Mark van Harmelen explains the “mPLE was first conceived of a response to a perceived lack of usable open source software to support communities and learning in those communities.
Informed by social constructivist and constructionist perspectives mPLE is designed to support individual and group learning activities. The intent is for mPLE to be used by self-directed and peer-assisting groups of learners (possibly teacher-led, but without any special status for teachers in the PLE). In order to support this vision of learning, mPLE combines a social software layer with advanced multi-user multi-media spaces where learners can meet and collaboratively perform learning activities in real time.
mPLE is close to the start of a release cycle, and will be released open source. mPLE is intended to be hosted either by an educational institution, a community group, or a less formal group of individuals. To facilitate easy hosting, one of the distribution media will be virtual machines for SUN’s free VirtualBox, making for a particularly easy install on Windows and Linux machines.”
You can read more about the mPLE on the Hedtek blog.
Hedtek Ltd will demonstrate and discuss the Manchester Personal Learning Environment (mPLE) at two fringe events during the ALT-C 2009 conference.
- 16.00 – 16.40 Tues 8 Sept (Atlas Rooms, Kilburn Building)
- 16.30 – 17.10 Wed 8 Sept (Lecture Theatre 1.5, Kilburn Building)
The Kilburn Building is next to the conference location.
[…] This post was recently mentioned on Twitter by Graham Attwell (, who said: Manchester PLE to be launched this week: For some time now I have been following the development of the Manchest.. […]